8 Grass Alternatives For Your Yard


White clover is a nitrogen-fixing ground cover that stays green and requires less water than traditional grass. It's also soft underfoot and attracts pollinators.

Creeping Jenny

This low-growing ground cover has vibrant yellow-green foliage and is well-suited for shaded areas. It's easy to maintain and spreads quickly.


Moss is an excellent alternative for shaded or moist areas where traditional grass struggles. It creates a lush, carpet-like appearance and requires minimal maintenance.

Creeping Thyme

Creeping thyme is a fragrant ground cover with small, aromatic leaves. It's drought-tolerant, attracts pollinators, and forms a dense mat of greenery.

Buffalo Grass

Native to North America, buffalo grass is a low-maintenance turf alternative. It is drought-tolerant, stays green in warm seasons, and requires less mowing.


Sedums, also known as stonecrops, are succulent ground covers that come in various varieties.


Also known as monkey grass, liriope is a grass-like ground cover with arching leaves.


Fine fescue varieties, such as creeping red fescue, are low-maintenance grass alternatives.

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